Who Needs a Will

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“Only rich people need wills, right?”. This is a common sentiment I hear from individuals who don’t have the full picture of the benefits that a will or an estate plan can offer to the every day person.

Generally a will provides for the distribution of one’s assets after they pass away. The more detailed version of what a will does is more expansive than that. Everyone from young adults to elders can benefit in several ways from having a will and an estate plan. Wills can help to make sure that loved ones with special needs are taken care of without disqualifying them for needed benefits. Wills/estate planning can assist with setting guardians for minor children, providing for those minor children, guidance on your final wishes, tax savings, and preventing probate complications upon death. Often times the benefits of a properly created will and estate plan are shared by your loved ones after you pass. This can benefit them greatly during a time of high stress.

We are here to guide you through the process and work together to make sure your needs and goals are achieved though proper planning. Do not hesitate to reach out to us if you do not have a proper plan in place.